Driven by a hankering to ski in mid July, I took skis out of summer storage to explore Albino basin in the Swans. There is of course a lot more to ski than can be done in a day, but I tried to check off as much as possible by getting a respectable start. Instead of taking the Cooney pass trail, I approached off trail from the car most of the way up the ridge to Cooney peak. About a thousand feet below the summit, I detoured off the ridge and took a nice short run into the basin on the back side of Albino. Along the way, I saw a grizzly and her cub running through the basin at a safe distance.
Looking back up at the fun approach run.
It was a weird logistical day, and in that spirit, I took ski boots off after the first run and used approach shoes to scramble up 3rd class ledges to the crest of the range. Back in ski boots, I took a fantastic run down the Southern most of the three prominent basins. To my utter surprise, the ski run descended two thousand feet below the crest, and I had to cut it short in order to have enough time for the rest of the tour. I next climbed back to the crest and took an absolutely fabulous run down along the edge of the glacier and below the moraine to the end of the snow, 2000 feet below the summit. I couldn't believe how good the skiing was!
Starting the first run off the crest.
Starting the long run.
More of the long run.
More of the long run. What a treat!
I made another long climb to the next basin North, and took another great run before walking over a low pass to access Little Salmon creek. The last run of the year was a short bop down to the basin below Smith Creek pass. From the bottom of the run, I put approach shoes back on, and made a long awkward traverse back up to the pass before jogging the 5-mile trail out to the car.
More great skiing on the last run off the crest. |
Last run of the year. Heading home.
Even with the long and convoluted approach, I was pretty surprised by the quality of the day. I need to return soon and ski some of the more accessible terrain near Smith creek pass. Touring from the Rumble lake to Smith Creek pass trailheads, skiing Pyramid peak, Albino basin, and Cooney peak along the way is mighty intriguing.